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Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11
Valentine , Carol A: Box 15430 Wedgwood Station, Seattle, WA 98115 Founder, Public Action, Inc; 9/11 researcher; Waco Siege researcher; Zionism critic
Mount Carmel Center outside of Waco , Texas memorialized
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
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Mount Carmel 911 Tape. 1993. Audiocassette, 1-13 hours condensed. Waco , TX: Mount initially called in as a religious studies consultant to provide central negotiation Valentine , Carol A. 1996. Waco Electronic Holocaust Museum.
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Carol Dagg - Pipl Profile
Carol A. Valentine (aka Carol A. Gallo) (legislative consultant , She is the author and Curator of the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum dedicated to
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